The Prediction

March 31
The Prediction

John 12:27 (CSB)—“Now my soul is troubled.  What should I say—Father, save me from this hour?  But that is why I came to this hour.  Father, glorify your name.”

Jesus’ soul was troubled because he was about to experience an excruciating death.

Facing all that was to come, his focus was on the glory of God.

He knew the stakes, and he understood the cost.

And still he said, “Father, glorify your name.”

Jesus knew what would happen to him, and he still laid down his own desires for the will of the Father.

Where are you unwilling to put aside your own ambition for something God is calling you to?

Where have you prioritized wealth, influence, a job, relationships, or anything else in your life over the sacrificial obedience God has called us to?

Forgive us, Lord, for valuing the things of this earth more than you and your kingdom.  

In Christ,

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