Love Always Perseveres

Love always perseveres

1 Corinthians 13:7 (NIV)  - It [love] always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

Loving others is easy when the relationship is good.

Loving others is not easy when the relationship has problems such as when we are offended by someone.

Loving others perseveres even in the difficult times.

Think of the persevering love that Christ had for others.

His love persevered to all people in every situation.

Christ loved the disciples even when they did not understand him.

Christ loved those who lived in outright sin.

Christ loved the religious and political leaders who killed him.

Christ loves us even in our disobedience.

Christ loves those today who openly flaunt their sinful lifestyles.

Christ has a persevering love.

Christ is our example.

We are enabled to have a persevering love through the indwelling Holy Spirit.

Is there someone in your life now to whom you need to show persevering love?

My prayer for you today is that you are loving others with a persevering love.

Expecting God’s Best,
Bro. Rob
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