Hard Work Is Good Work

Hard Work Is Good Work

Colossians 3:23-24

Paul, in Colossians 3:18-21, addressed how husbands, wives, and children can please Christ by their actions.

In verses 22-25 Paul addresses how the slave or servant should work.  We, even as free believers, can learn much from these verses about how we should work.

We should work hard even when unsupervised.  Ultimately, we are working for the Lord rather than a human or company.

Our service is an example to others.  Whether we know it or like it, those who are younger (physically by age or even spiritually) are watching.

Our service will be rewarded in eternity.  God sees our service, and he knows the heart behind our work.  Are we working to make ourselves known or to make God known?

Verse 23 has been a valuable reminder to me through the years.  Work as though you are working for the Lord.  The truth is you are!

In Christ,


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