The Lord's Supper

The Lord’s Supper

I have thoroughly enjoyed our “Memorials” series in our devotionals.  Our last in this series of memorials is the Lord’s Supper.  

Jesus had sent Peter and John ahead to make preparations for the Passover meal.  He gave them specific, yet miraculous, instructions on where to go and from whom they should secure a guest room for them to use.  

Jesus fervently desired to eat this Passover meal with his disciples before he was betrayed and crucified.  

Jesus took the cup, gave thanks, and had them drink from it.  He then took the bread, broke it, and gave it to them to eat.  

If you’ve been in church for very long, you’ve likely partaken of the Lord’s Supper, or at least seen it.  Why do we eat such a small morsel and drink such a small amount?  I’m not sure I can answer that question, but Jesus himself told us why we should.

In Luke 22:19 Jesus said, “Do this in remembrance of me.”  We partake of the Lord’s Supper to remember HIM.  

We remember that HE is the creator and sustainer of life.  We remember that HE is the good shepherd, who is willing to leave ninety-nine to find and save one.  We remember that HE is the sinless one who sacrificed his very own life to make atonement for the lives of sinners.  We remember that HE was placed in a tomb…but not for long.  We remember that HE was raised from the dead to live eternally.  We remember that HE has gone to prepare a place for US.  

For many years, the Lord’s supper has served as a reminder of those things, and also a time of reflection on my own life and sinfulness.  

The Lord’s Supper serves as a reminder of what God has done for us.  It reminds us that HE loves us beyond what we could ever imagine.  

In Christ,


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