Obedient to the Holy Spirit

In Acts 16, Paul and Timothy were traveling around teaching the gospel.

They desired to go into Asia, but the Holy Spirit did not allow them.

I often wonder why.  Honestly, I don’t know, other than God had different plans for them.

God gave Paul a vision of a Macedonian man standing and pleading with him, “Cross over to Macedonia and help us!”

While Paul and Timothy desired to preach the gospel in Asia, the Holy Spirit was leading them somewhere else.

It was the Spirit’s leading that led them to a woman named Lydia, who heard the gospel and believed, along with her whole household.

Sometimes we don’t understand when God leads us into places and situations.

Pray that God will help you understand and obey.

We can’t always see God’s plan ahead of us, but His plan is always good.

Be attentive to the leading of the Holy Spirit.

It may lead you to a new ministry, a new job, or an opportunity to share Christ with someone.

In Christ,
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